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A Day in the Life of....

A Day in the Life of Josh: Aquatic Services Specialist, Athlete and Student

Meet Josh, an aquatic services specialist who balances a full-time job with his studies and fitness goals. His days are busy but rewarding. Here's a look at how he makes it all work and why this lifestyle might be an excellent fit for anyone looking to stay active while building a career.

4:00 am - Early Start, Big Payoff

Josh starts his day while most of us are still asleep. At 4:00 a.m., he's up and ready to go. Early mornings may not be for everyone, but they come with the bonus of getting a lot done before most people have even had breakfast.

By 5:00 am, he’s at Waterworld Aquatic Centre, turning on the lights and getting everything ready. He ensures the pools are safe for the first round of swimmers and handles the behind-the-scenes tasks that keep the facility running smoothly.

6:00 am - Quiet Time

With the pools prepped and the coffee brewing, Josh has some quiet time to check emails and catch up on weekend reports. At this time of the day, the centre is peaceful, and there's often a stunning sunrise.

8:00 am - Hands-On Management

As the centre gets busier, Josh moves between managing staff, checking in on lifeguards, and taking care of maintenance. There’s always something different happening, from safety checks to planning events like lifeguard training sessions. It’s a job where he’s never stuck in one place too long, which keeps things interesting.

12:30 pm - Built-In Workout

One of the perks of working at an aquatic centre is that Josh can dive straight into a training session as soon as his shift ends. By 1:00 pm he’s in the pool, swimming 4-5kms before grabbing lunch. There's no need to travel to the gym or squeeze in a workout late at night - he’s already where he needs to be.

3:00 pm - Training Round Two

Later in the afternoon, Josh fits in another workout—this time on his bike. Indoor cycling sessions are intense but rewarding. They’re a quick way for him to stay fit while balancing his work and studies.

5:00 pm - Wind Down and Study

By 5:00 pm, Josh is done with his workouts and ready to settle down. He uses this time to study for his health science degree. With only ten weeks left, he’s staying focused and using his free time wisely. Being up early means he can also wrap up his day early, making room for personal time.

Why It Works

Josh’s day is all about balance. Early starts mean he’s done with work by midday, leaving plenty of time for his personal goals - training or finishing his degree. The variety in his job keeps things fresh, and working in an environment that promotes fitness is a huge plus. It’s not your typical 9-to-5, but it’s the perfect fit for Josh.

If you like variety, enjoy working in a team, and want a career that lets you stay active, a role like Josh’s might be worth considering. Plus, the early starts mean you’ve got the rest of the day ahead of you - work, train, relax, repeat.

Josh Fraser - Active Ambassador - Certificate III Fitness student. 


Last updated: 23 Sep 2024, 4:53:23 pm
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